從心出發 日潭棧 Sun Lake Hotel
懷著愛故鄉的心,投身旅館業一輩子的專業經理人,要將畢生在五星飯店服務的精髓帶回故鄉,打造時尚簡約的「日潭棧」,雖是民宿但採用英國斯林百蘭名床及天然羽絨被,體貼入微的起居用品、擺件、掛式,讓旅客放下都會塵囂,享受日月潭之美,感受主人的心,從心再出發。 於日月潭伊達邵,鄰近商店街,步行即可品嚐原住民手工特製小米麻糬、著名日月潭紅茶與當地知名土特產、採買紀念品都十分便利;112年9月份完竣的水上自行車步道,從本民宿至伊達邵碼頭、日纜站、還能串聯至九蛙疊像觀景平台,三五好友步行聊天或騎乘自行車、悠閑的欣賞沿途的湖光山色,除可搭船遊湖,觸摸沁涼的湖水;更別錯過夜晚漫步湖邊,感受湖畔片刻寧靜,吹拂徐徐微風,欣賞日月潭唯美風貌。享受無拘束的高質感假期,日潭棧是您最「家」選擇。 Sun lake hotel- A place to relax and collect your thoughts. The hotel runs by a professional manager who has devoted herself to the hotel industry for a lifetime. She decided to bring the essence of five-star-hotel service back to her home town with love, and built a stylish, modern and simple "Sun lake hotel". May the travelers let go of the hustle and bustle in the city and enjoy the beauty of Sun Moon Lake. Then feel the passion of her sincere thoughtfulness and start over again. Sun lake hotel is located in Ita Thao, Sun Moon Lake, near the shopping street. You can walk and taste the handmade aboriginal millet mochi , the famous Sun Moon Lake black tea and lots of famous local food. By walking 2-3 minutes, you can reach the pier, enjoy boat rides and touch the cool lake water; don't miss a stroll along the lakeside at night, feel the peacefulness of the lakeside and the gentle breeze. It’s a great place to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Sun Moon Lake. For a footloose and fancy-free holiday, Sun lake hotel Ita Thao is your best choice. 平假日定義 平日:週日~週四; 假日:週五 週六 以上房價不適用:連續假期及國定假日、日月潭萬人泳渡、日月潭花火節、跨年、農曆春節期間;請參照飯店官網公告 |